Mad Max Fury Road: The Peacemaker

Iniciado por AL13N163NA, 25 de Junio de 2015, 12:49:47 PM

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Hola Programas ¡¡¡

¿aún no la habéis visto?, hay que verla, os dejará sin aliento, para el que la haya visto y le suene, a ver que os parece, perdón por las fotos, pero no se donde para mi cámara buena después de ALEBRicks 2015

Os dejo con algo de texto que he encontrado en la red sobre este vehiculo:

Mad Max: Fury Road may be a vehicle for Tom Hardy, but the post-apocalyptic thriller's real star is a car: the Peacemaker.

The Peacemaker is a jacked-up Ripsaw lightweight tank built made for the film by Howe and Howe Technologies. A 1,000-hp engine helps the tank tear through the earth and blaze through bumps at speeds of 70 miles per hour. You'll find few creature comforts at the end of the world, though. The Peacemaker's windshield isn't even shielded with glass, leaving its driver exposed to the rocky elements.

Twin brothers Mike and George Howe told the Daily Mail that the film's director, George Miller, called them up and asked if they could build the mad machine. "Miller and his crew told us that they didn't want CGI — anybody can do CGI," Mike said. "What they wanted was a real badass track vehicle, which is probably the nastiest vehicle we've ever made."

And that's what they got. An earlier video released by Howe and Howe shows the Peacemaker climbing vertically up a sand mound. That clip has since been made private, but this video of the car in action should hold you over until the release of Mad Max: Fury Road on Friday.

Espero que os guste

See You ¡¡¡¡¡                                                             


"¡Soy la balanza de la justicia! ¡El director del coro de la muerte! ¡Cantad hermanos! ¡Cantad!"

Muy bueno, jeje, y a esa escala todo un reto.


Me gusta mucho, muy fiel al de la peli. 


Mola, me gusta, me gusta, buen resultado final. :)


 :D reconozco que me gusto la peli y estáis sacando una faceta creativa de coches muy buenas . Felicidades por la adaptacion y... A seguir picándose con este tema!!!  ÔÔ